This is no ordinary Monday for me to be grumpy about. It’s Cyber Monday. The day when I am grumpy about robots. Darn robots! Always trying to take over the world. Good thing they keep rusting before they get too far. Happy Cyber Monday!!

Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1)
Peggy L Henderson
4.7 Stars (90 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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Book 1 in the Yellowstone Romance Series

(2nd Edition) “I am not good with words, but you make my heart sing, Aimee…”

Nurse and avid backpacker Aimee Donovan is offered the opportunity of a lifetime. She encounters a patient who tells her he can send her two hundred years into the past to spend three months in the rugged Yellowstone wilderness at the dawn of the mountain man era.The only requirement: she cannot tell anyone that she’s from the future.

How did a white woman suddenly appear in the remote Rocky Mountain wilderness? Trapper Daniel Osborne’s first instinct is to protect this mysterious and unconventional woman from the harsh realities of his mountains. While he fights his growing attraction to her, he is left frustrated by her lies and secrecy.

Daniel shows Aimee a side of Yellowstone she’s never experienced. She is torn between her feelings for him, and exposing a secret that will destroy everything he holds as truth.As her three months come to an end, she is faced with a dilemma: return to her own time, or stay with the man who opened her eyes to a whole new world. When the decision is made for her, both their lives will be changed forever.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT )

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Touching Wonder: Recapturing the Awe of Christmas
John Blase
4.7 Stars (88 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality

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This bold retelling of Luke 1–2, based on Eugene Peterson’s Message translation, reads like a novel and invites readers to experience the Nativity with fresh wonder.

To Eugene Peterson’s The Message Bible translation, John Blase adds his own storytelling voice, exploring the familiar events from multiple first-person viewpoints. What emerges is the intimate story of unlikely people—a frightened teenaged girl, a worried carpenter, a collection of senior citizens, a disillusioned young shepherd—meeting up with the divine as they bumble and stumble toward the realization that the little one just born is the One.

This retold story of Word made flesh invites readers to react appropriately—with eyes opened wide in wonder, jaws dropped in amazement, and hearts rejoicing. The beautiful design and Amanda Jolman’s lively line drawings make this book a fitting gift as well as a Christmas tradition that families will treasure for years to come.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. FR  IT  ES )

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Dimension M
Scott Wyatt
4.4 Stars (34 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

FREE for a limited time

Alden Frost and Fatimah Ibrahim break into a school in Uzbekistan to raise a “companion flag,” a symbol of all that human beings have in common. But this is not just any school. It’s the secret repository for the Şahin Diary, an expose on the Armenian genocide. Following their arrest, it’s discovered that the Şahin Diary is missing. If its contents are made public, the Turkish government could collapse, destabilizing the entire Middle East. Forces and interests around the globe are mobilized to find the diary, either to return it to hiding, or to publicize its contents. Alden and Fatimah find themselves in the crosshairs. The job of protecting them falls to American diplomat Len Williams and his close friend, Uzbek Abbas Ahkmedova.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The companion flag project is real. Dimension M is a dramatic story of love, friendship, loyalty, and crisis, and is not a monograph on the companion flag idea. Readers interested in learning more about the companion flag initiative are encouraged to read the optional appendix, “The Sanori Flag Debate.”

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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The Art of Trapeze: One Woman’s Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening (The Awakening Consciousness Series)
Molly McCord
4.9 Stars (23 Reviews)
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs | Self-Help

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On a random Thursday morning, with nothing to lose and only a dream to gain, Molly McCord decides to move to Paris, France to follow the courageous call of her heart. She arrives in a city she has never visited before and where she knows no one, yet she trusts her ability to figure it out because her adventurous life has prepared her for this biggest of leaps. She carries the wisdom of Solitude, Strength, Style, Flexibility, Heart, Endurance, and Grace in her non-matching luggage collection.

Molly’s soul-riveting experiences unfold in surprising ways as she discovers the joys and realities of life as a foreigner in France, falls in love with a sexy Turkish man, moves her cats across the Atlantic, enjoys the rare opportunity of working for a U.S. Ambassador, and creates the life of her dreams in less than two years.

Yet when unexpected developments require her to surrender once again, a higher consciousness catches her with a deeper spiritual awakening.

The Art of Trapeze™ soars with emotional honesty, delightful humor, unexpected wisdom, and inspiring spiritual perspectives around living life to the fullest when nothing is guaranteed except gravity.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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The Lucky Tale of Two Dogs
Cathy M.Rosenthal
5 Stars (14 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks | Crafts, Hobbies & Home

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The Lucky Tale of Two Dogs traces the lives of two dogs who happen to live “in the very same town, on the very same street,” but who share very different lives with their families. The lucky dog has lots of daily interaction with his family, from playtime to walks around the neighborhood. The unlucky dog spends most of his time alone in the backyard “rarely hearing a friendly voice.” These comparisons give way to hope when the unlucky dog meets a “kind lady” from the animal shelter who helps him find a new “family to love.” The Lucky Tale of Two Dogs tells a simple story that makes it easy for children to understand what dogs need to be healthy and happy. Every dog should be so lucky.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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