The Wildfire Chronicles by author K.R. Griffiths, is not about your traditional zombies. Instead they are something much more sinister.  Something with a purpose. The first two novels in this acclaimed horror series, that begins with PANIC,  and has reached number 1 on the Amazon horror chart in both the USA and the UK, is available for FREE today. Enjoy!

Panic (Wildfire Chronicles Vol. 1)
K.R. Griffiths
3.9 Stars (90 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Horror

FREE for a limited time

Michael Evans is only in rural St. Davids to maintain a low profile after his time spent as a city cop ended in disaster. The town is perfect for him: isolated. A tiny population. Virtually no crime.

Until the night the strange canisters fall from the sky and the town priest starts killing people with his teeth. To Michael, the bloodbath looks like a murder case that the quiet town’s two police officers can’t possibly handle.

But this isn’t just a crime scene.

And the priest is just the beginning…


Q & A with the author

Q. What is Wildfire Chronicles? At its core, Wildfire Chronicles is my take on the classic zombie apocalypse tale, but I wanted to put my own spin on it. So what we have is not zombies in the traditional sense, but something more targeted. Something with a little more purpose. Q. What was the original inspiration behind the story? There are numerous ways to answer that, but the very first idea was quite simple: what if you had one of those James Bond style villains – or even a whole network of them – but no James Bond to stop them? What if nobody knew anything about their plan to destroy the world before they actually implemented it? I thought it would be cool to explore the idea of one story starting where others might end. After that it seemed only natural to tell the story from the perspective of ordinary, everyday people whose lives are changed in an instant, and how they evolve to cope. Q. There aren’t too many zombie apocalypse tales set in Wales… I felt like the idea of an infection hitting a city has been done, and done very well. So I was interested to set the story in a place where isolation plays a key part. For some people, the virus won’t reach them for a while, and when it does, they won’t have easy access to supplies, or many ways to escape. And then there’s the lack of guns. There are very few in Wales, so few as to render them almost worthless. At least against the Infected… Q. What do you hope the reader gets out of Wildfire Chronicles? Pure entertainment, and hopefully a few chills along the way. After the initial scene-setting, the books are written in a fast, breathless sort of style. I’d categorize them as action-horror more than anything. Q. And finally, what is Project Wildfire? I’m afraid that’s classified.

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Shock (Wildfire Chronicles Vol. 2)
K.R. Griffiths
4.1 Stars (15 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Horror

FREE for a limited time

The team had been told it would be a straightforward mission: enter St. Davids, now little more than a ghost town, retrieve the target and return to base.

Trouble is, the target is a man named Victor, and it looks like somebody else got to him first.

And St. Davids is anything but a ghost town…


Q & A with the author

Q. Tell us a little about Shock. Shock picks up right where Panic left off, albeit from the perspective of a character we haven’t yet encountered. Where Panic focused on characters who had no idea what was happening around them and were scrambling to cope, Shock gives the first real glimpse of the forces at work behind the virus. Q. The main character, John Francis, is markedly different to the everyday characters that populated Panic… He’s a fun character to write. He’s different in that he knows something about Project Wildfire, and he’s ex-army. He’s the type of guy you’d expect to be able to handle himself, but in the world created by the disaster, that might not necessarily mean much. Q. Shock is much shorter than Panic. How come? Shock was difficult for me, because in order to introduce and develop John’s character I needed to break away from the ongoing disaster. There really wasn’t a place for him in Panic, and I couldn’t see how volume 3 would work if I spent too long focusing on John before getting back to the characters we’ve already established. So it’s a bit of a compromise. I don’t envision any of the other Wildfire Chronicles installments being novella-length, but it felt right with Shock. Q. Was it a conscious decision to lean more toward action in this volume? That’s partly down to John’s background and the fact that we’re starting to see the wider impact of the virus. Panic was all about people who were completely unprepared for what was happening. Shock is at the other end of the spectrum: a team of trained people who know what they’re dealing with. Or at least, they think they do…

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Psychosis (Wildfire Chronicles Vol. 3)
K.R. Griffiths
5 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: Horror | Science Fiction

Michael Evans, crippled survivor of the massacre at St. Davids, has only one goal left: to find his young daughter. And that means journeying north and discovering that during the five days he spent comatose in an underground bunker the world has changed dramatically.

And worse, it’s still changing.

Struggling to come to terms with a world steeped in shocking violence and ever-present danger, Michael must adapt quickly to a new reality: the virus has already infected the population. But it isn’t stopping there…

*** Q & A with the author

Q. How does Psychosis relate to the previous volumes of Wildfire Chronicles? Psychosis is perhaps a little more epic in scope, and introduces some new characters, but primarily we’re picking up right at the very moment that Shock ended, and following Michael, Rachel and Jason as they run into John Francis and begin to understand that they are dealing with a situation far larger and more dangerous than they believed. Q. One of those new characters takes the series in a surprising direction. What can you tell us about that? I don’t want to give too much away, but the character in question provides the eyes through which we see the people behind Project Wildfire and perhaps more importantly he reveals some important things about the virus. He is completely despicable, which made him a great deal of fun to write. The central idea with this character is that for most people the ‘zombie apocalypse’ is the worst thing that could possibly happen, but for him, it’s like the world finally makes sense. He was born for it, and he plays a major role. Q. The pace seems to be upping dramatically – was that a conscious choice? Absolutely. I felt that Panic was a story that began slowly and increased in pace throughout. When I wrote Shock I wanted it to be short and punchy, like an extended scene from an action movie. I wanted to see if I could take that pace as a starting point for Psychosis and push it. I feel that sort of aggressive pacing is one of the defining characteristics of the series, so I try not to let it drop. Q. Would you say Psychosis is the most gruesome volume yet? Personally, I like horror that is unflinching. That’s what I aim for. And Psychosis is all about things beginning to break down: trust, civilization, infrastructure, mental health. It’s probably more extreme than the previous volumes, mostly because the characters are out in the open, on the run with threat coming at them from every direction. I love the idea of taking these characters from this small, quiet town on a ride into extraordinary danger and seeing how they cope.

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Mutation (Wildfire Chronicles Vol. 4)
K.R. Griffiths
4.5 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Horror | Science Fiction

The only thing the survivors of the catastrophe in South Wales wanted was a safe place to ride out the apocalypse. The castle looked perfect: high walls and natural defenses that even the infection could not breach.

The problem was that someone had beaten them to it. Someone who would stop at nothing to maintain control.

Someone with a dark secret that could change everything…


Q & A with the author

Q. Tell us a little about Mutation. With Mutation I really wanted to delve deeper into the ideas that began to take root in Psychosis: namely that the virus itself is a major character. It’s changing, evolving out of control, and causing unexpected problems for everybody, even the people behind it. At the same time, the characters we’ve come to know are being changed by the world they now live in, and not necessarily for the better. Q. Once again we are introduced to a new set of characters for Michael and the others to interact with. Do you enjoy having such a large cast? Absolutely. My intention is to flesh out even minor characters as much as possible – everyone involved plays a role in the evolution of the plot, and I love the idea that you could take most of these characters and give them a wildfire chronicle of their own. We’re following one particular story, but every character has been through a lot, some of it only hinted at. Q. Would you say Jake McIntosh is the star of this book? Ha! Given the title, I can see why you’d say that. And it is right in a way. A lot of the story revolves around the choices the characters face, but with Jake there are no choices. He was a monster long before the ‘zombie apocalypse’ and before what happened to him in Psychosis. Now he is more like a force of nature. I love writing Jake’s scenes. He is an extreme character capable of committing unfathomable atrocities, yet in some ways he too is a victim. Q. Is it difficult to keep the characters grounded in the face of such extraordinary problems? It’s one of the key challenges, and I hope one of the defining characteristics of Wildfire Chronicles. For the most part, these people are not trained experts, and they don’t suddenly become invulnerable superheroes. When they face danger, they’re coming up with solutions on the fly, and even the solutions that do keep them safe can have unexpected consequences.

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Trauma (Wildfire Chronicles Vol. 5)
K.R. Griffiths
4 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Horror | Science Fiction

The worst is over. All that remains for the survivors hiding in the castle is to gather supplies to prevent starvation. It is a problem they believe they can solve without further loss of life.

But there is another problem: the castle has come to the attention of somebody else. Somebody with strength in numbers.

And among that number is a man who might just hold the key to destroying the Infected.

A man supposed to be dead already…


TRAUMA is the fifth installment of Wildfire Chronicles, the acclaimed horror series that began with PANIC, which has reached number 1 on the Amazon horror chart in both the USA and the UK. A sixth and final installment is scheduled for release later in 2014.

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