Enjoy these cozy mysteries in the Jake Samson and Rosie Vicente detective series by award-winning author Shelley Singer. The breathtaking action is offset by the wise-cracking Jake and Rosie. The tension will keep you reading all night long. Compelling characterization by Singer makes this series a must-read, with authentic details and witty dialogue.

Samson’s Deal: A Laid-Back Bay Area Mystery (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 1)
Shelley Singer
4.5 Stars (21 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense


Ex-Chicago-cop Jake Samson is tired of the rat race. He’s living in laid back Oakland, California with a couple of cats and just enough savings to eat canned oysters and accept collect calls from his bemused parents, when an old friend–a progressive political science processor–calls with an enticing offer. Seems the professor’s wife was found dead in the backyard of their Berkeley home, and he wants to pay Jake ten thousand dollars (plus expenses) to figure out whodunit.

The police pick up the usual leads; jealousy, dirty politics, and an estate worth killing for. Naturally, since the professor is the dead woman’s spouse, he’s the primary suspect. Samson doesn’t like the guy much, but the case heats up—quite literally—when the professor’s office is set afire by a radical right wing activist group, of which, it turns out, the wife was a member.

With his good friend Rosie, and her justice-dispensing two-by-four, Samson follows a twisted trail leads through the Bay Area’s bizarre cultural labyrinth; from pop meditation ashrams to neo-Nazi rallies, to the startling, but all too human truth.

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Free Draw (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 2)
Shelley Singer
4.8 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

The SECOND laid-back, cozy mystery in the Jake Samson and Rosie Vicente detective series.

A Nice Jewish Boy, His Lesbian BFF, and MURDER MOST MARIN…

Unafraid, unlicensed, and, in this case, unpaid, unofficial Bay Area P.I. Jake Samson and his carpenter sidekick Rosie set out to clear a friend of a murder charge. The victim is found stabbed to death in a damp redwood canyon in woodsy, wealthy Marin County, outside San Francisco. It’s up to Jake and Rosie to find the real killer, and they’ve got a number of suspects: the victim’s fellow executives at a questionable correspondence school, his divided and bitter family, and his quirky Marin County neighbors–a truly odd assortment of California woods dwellers.

But the real treats here are Singer’s dry humor and her characters: Jake, a nice Jewish boy with a rebellious–and very witty–streak; and Rosie, an irresistible twist on the sassy gay friend. Readers will love their easy, breezy relationship, and wish they had a friend like either one of them.

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Full House: A Laid-Back Bay Area Mystery (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 3)
Shelley Singer
4.5 Stars (4 Reviews)
Genre:  Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

The THIRD action-packed mystery in the witty Jake Samson and Rosie Vicente detective series.


An ark in the middle of suburban Oakland was interesting but not strange by California standards. Even one built by peaceful cultists preparing for the coming flood. Until sometime private eye Jake Samson is hired to find Noah, their leader, who has disappeared with a lovely devotee and a quarter million in cash. The cult suspects foul play. The police aren’t convinced.

As Jake and his carpenter sidekick, Rosie, trail the wealthy visionary from a health-food factory in Sonoma to a casino in Tahoe, thugs, drugs and the murdered body of Noah’s attractive assistant add up to a lot less than a biblical tale. And Jake’s got a gut feeling the floodgates are just the beginning to open.

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Spit In The Ocean: A Laid-Back Bay Area Mystery: (Jake Samson #4) (The Jake Samson Series)
Shelley Singer
4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: World Literature | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

The FOURTH lively adventure in the Jake Samson mystery series.


The vault emptied out, not a shot fired. In fact, it resembled a burglary more than a bank job, but when you rob a sperm bank, that’s sometimes all it takes. Here’s the set-up: The North Coast Sperm Bank in tiny Wheeler, California has been knocked over, and the perp’s tossed its assets in the ocean, leaving a religious-nut note of explanation. Just a prank, says Wheeler law enforcement. But the bank says: Not so fast, that stuff was valuable!

Enter P.I. Jake Samson and his ever-sharp Watson, Rosie Vicente, hired by the bank to find out who made the unauthorized withdrawal. No sooner have they dragged their bedraggled Bay Area selves into the storm even now brutalizing Wheeler than a bank employee slips in the mud and falls to her death.

And Singer’s got more up her sleeve. Every time you turn around you learn more about Wheeler and its fascinating Northern California crazies…ummm.. we mean inhabitants! Did we say crazies? We meant very fun, fascinating people. They’re a kick! As is this complex puzzle mystery.

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Suicide King (The Jake Samson & Rosie Vicente Detective Series Book 5)
Shelley Singer
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

FREE for a limited time

Suicide King is the FIFTH cozy mystery in the Jake Samson and Rosie Vicente detective series.

Laid-back P.I. Jake Samson’s never been a big fan of politics: fun and profitable if you understand the game, futile and frustrating if you don’t. But his longtime friend and (unlicensed) sidekick Rosie Vicente invites him to a posh California fundraiser for the energetic gubernatorial candidate of the liberal underdog Vivo party. Hearing that Joe Richmond’s charisma rivals JFK’s, Jake can’t resist. And what’s worse, Jake’s actually impressed by Richmond’s rhetoric and charm. It’s all fun and political games until Pam Sutherland, Richmond’s aide, finds her boss in her backyard, hanging naked from an acacia tree.

The police rule the death a suicide; Jake and Pam suspect foul play. Pam quickly hires Jake to find the culprit, leading him through an intriguing web of campaign shenanigans, backroom wheeling and dealing, affairs, a possible German mafia connection, and a fair amount more danger than our hero could possibly have imagined.

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