Author Hannah Raybans has written a collection of extremely helpful books on topics ranging from health, fitness and spirituality to how to instill wise money habits in children. For a limited time these great books are available for free. Enjoy!

Smart Money Kids: A Guide for Parents to Instill Good Money Habits in Children
Hannah Raybans
5 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Business & Money | Parenting & Relationships

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Instilling good money habits in your children is arguably one of life’s most important lessons. As parents we want our children to grow up to be financially secure and debt-free.

One topic that many parents want their child to learn about is financial literacy.

It’s crucial that a child be taught how to manage and save money.Just as some kids think money grows on trees, some parents think that their child acquiring the knowledge about money will fall from trees, but it won’t.

Many experts agree that the earlier you teach your child about money, the better.As early as possible, parents need to help kids build a strong understanding of basic money matters.

Instead of letting your child form misconceptions about money, wouldn’t it be smarter to give them the facts?Let’s be honest we are now living in a world where financial stability is no more.

The debt load of today’s young adult is exponentially higher than their parents’ generation and if this trend holds that debt number will continue to increase.

Make it your priority as a parent to begin to have weekly age-appropriate discussions as early as possible with your child about money.

This doesn’t have to be the type of conversation that bores them or turns them away; instead do it in ways that make it both fun and educational.

This book is written to equip parents with the tools needed to teach children about money in fun and educational ways.It is designed to help kids starting at age three, however there is information that you can share with a child into their teens.

Here’s to raising a financially fit young person!

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Weight Loss for Health and Wellness
Hannah Raybans
4.3 Stars (28 Reviews)
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting

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Let’s face it. At one time or another, most of us experience weight gain, yo-yo dieting or successes and failures when it comes to maintaining weight long term. Many of us struggle through life with eating disorders that affect not only our weight, but our overall health and wellness.

‘Weight Loss for Health and Wellness’ strives to take a different approach when it comes to eating and weight issues. Whether you’re an emotional eater or dealing with an eating disorder, it’s important to know why before you can confront it, deal with it, and succeed in reaching your optimal weight long term. That’s why it’s vital to understand how our eating environment and our psychological approach to eating and dieting makes a big difference in our success or failure.

Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or someone else, it’s important to first address the emotional and mental aspects of why, how, when and where we eat. By taking a closer look at such issues, you’ll find that you – with dedication and diligence – find your ideal weight and reach for optimal health and wellness now and into the future.

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7 Principles of Inspiring Kids to Be Leaders: (Parenting Guide with Leadership Tips)
Hannah Raybans
4.6 Stars (23 Reviews)
Genre: Parenting & Relationships | Self-Help

FREE for a limited time

Every parent dreams that one day their child will become a great leader and, at the very minimum, that they will develop leadership skills that will allow them to successfully navigate through life and become a productive adult. As a parent, you recognize that childhood is the most delicate and impressionable period because during that time, the foundation for a child’s future personality is established.

This is why it’s so vital to teach your child leadership skills early and for parents to have a clear definition of a leader which I will discuss in Chapter 4.

Some parents mistakenly confuse being a leader with being a “star.” They think because their child is popular, gets good grades, or is a talented athlete, that means they are leaders or have leadership skills.

Not taking anything away from your child having star qualities, because who doesn’t want their child to be a triple threat? Popular, smart, and athletic? However, being those things does not necessarily make your child a leader or mean that they shouldn’t be taught additional leadership skills to help them grow and succeed as an adult.

There are wildly different views on leadership and key qualities of a good leader. As a parent you must decide what the most important leadership skills are that you want your child to learn and then you must cultivate and nurture those skills that you feel are important.

This book was written to equip parents with effective ways that they can demonstrate and inspire, through actions and words, their child to become the next great leader. AGE APPROPRIATE.

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Nonfiction: Love Beyond Time (A love inspired historical guide for Inspiration, peace love and healing code)
Hannah Raybans
4.7 Stars (21 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality | Self-Help

FREE for a limited time

What is love? Is it the physical attraction we feel for someone, or the deep feelings of caring that we express for our friends and families?Or is it someone more, something transcendent, that can heal nations and bring peace back to the earth?This book seeks to answer those questions and provide a framework, using examples of love and sacrifice from ancient times to the present, as well as situations where we as a civilization have gone astray, for a solution to what ails the World we live in today.In examining the lives of historical luminaries who have had the most significant impact on our progress toward a World of love and peace, from Jesus of Nazareth to Mother Teresa to John Lennon, this book will give you hope and inspiration for bringing about change and restoring the World to a more loving place for future generations.

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