The school pasta feed dinner was a huge hit last night, and the Candyland decorations I had created got one last use. It was thrilling to see them all again, proudly displayed. After all the hard work I had put into making them, I was not quite ready to let them go once the school walk-a-thon was over. Seeing them used again one last time was just what I needed to let them go. The additional thrill was seeing different people walking out with a few of the pieces. They are moving on to other places for new uses, not just tossed away. A fitting end. Hmm… do I want to do it again next year?

Allingham; Canyon Diablo: Canyon Diablo
John Horst
4.4 Stars (50 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | Westerns

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There will be a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. ~ Louis L’Amour

The place was a giant cesspool turned whirlpool that pulled all the badness of the land into it, until the vortex contained the giant soup of decadence and evil, contained the worst of human kind.

But Hell Street has a new enforcer, a lawman who has honed his skill in Hell’s Kitchen, the meanest of the Five Points district of Manhattan. Will it be enough?

Allingham is the story of one man’s struggle to face down his demons along with the meanest and most degenerate of human kind in the worst town in the last frontier of the West, Canyon Diablo, Arizona Territory.

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Daughters of the Witch Queen, Part 1: Nicholas Odd
Silver Saaremaeel
4.6 Stars (34 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

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There are two kinds of people in this world: Witches and humans.

Nicholas Odd is a man travelling to London in search of his happily-ever-after, when his eyes are opened to a world he never believed could exist: a magical world that operates alongside of humans, ruled by a Witch Queen. A succession war has started amongst her seven daughters, fueled by the entrance of a new, enigmatic player, the Nightwitch.

Nicholas, pulled in the middle of the conflict, is about to have his life made a lot more interesting for him, and a lot more dangerous.

Nothing will ever be the same.

This dark urban fantasy is the first part of an ongoing series. Each part is around 40 pages and roughly a 1-1,5 hour reading experience.

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Brian W. Smith
4.6 Stars (23 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

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Wesley Paisley is an arrogant, successful, and wealthy best selling author… he’s also lost. While traveling on a highway, Wesley encounters a string of tornadoes. In an effort to avoid the bad weather he detours and takes an unfamiliar rode. He loses control of his car and bumps his head so hard that he loses his memory. His publisher offers a reward for information regarding his whereabouts. Wesley is found by a dysfunctional family that decides to keep his identity hidden from him while they wait for the reward money to increase. Even if Wesley discovers his true identity, there is no guarantee that the family that finds him will allow him to leave (or live) to tell his story.

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A Lot Of Pride And Some Prejudice
Petronela Ungureanu
4.2 Stars (24 Reviews)
Genre: Drama & Plays | Romance

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On the verge of losing her home and her position in society, Miss Portia Thorpe is fighting all her battles with her very heart. When Lord Salisbury is offering his friendship and support, she develops a most unsuitable inclination towards him. Surrounded by uncertainty and some very strange events, Portia must face the future where her estate, Valhalla, lost at poker by her father, gets a new mysterious owner. Will she manage to find her place in the new order of things? Will she accept an unexpected marriage proposal, just to save her home? With some pride, a little prejudice and all the courage in the world, she will eventually find a solution.

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Healing the Military Soul: How Warriors Can Regain Strength from Within
Alexandra Roach
5 Stars (24 Reviews)
Genre: History | Health, Fitness & Dieting

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“Healing the Military Soul –

How Warriors Regain Strength from Within”

targets the current health crisis in this country, which does not stop at the ranks of our Armed Forces.Demands on the military grow; so does their pain.Who cares?Alexandra Roach does.She writes from a heartfelt perspective and captivates the reader with personal accounts every military member can relate to.These stories provide the backdrop that supports her proposal of integrating holistic health practices to strengthen active duty military personnel and their families.

Alexandra provides insight on how service members can:

•Take control of their own health

•Free themselves from depression, PTSD, and chronic pain

From micro to macro – if each individual is physically and emotionally strong, vital, and energetic, the entire military will be too.This creates Tomorrow’s Power for our nation.

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