My partner in crime is just so creative! This year I haven’t really wanted a whole lot for Christmas. Usually I have a pretty good list of things I would like and I am pretty easy for everyone to shop for, but not this year. I feel pretty blessed with what I have and just don’t want anything. This really bites for my friends and family. They ask me what I want for Christmas and I say nothing. This is very frustrating because they will get me a gift and I just make it harder for them. Sorry. But my partner in crime and I had already decided that we weren’t going to get each other gifts for Christmas, so of course I found something cute for her. I wrapped up it, threw it unceremoniously into the front seat of her car, told her it wasn’t a gift, and to opened it whenever. She hasn’t opened it yet, so I can’t say what it is. She, being the creative and talented person that she is, made me this beautiful wreath. I didn’t know I wanted it so bad until she gave it to me. So cool!


The StoneCutter (S.Lasher & Associates Book 1) (S. Lasher & Associates)
Scott Blade
4.3 Stars (62 Reviews)
Genre: Suspense | Mystery

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Shane Lasher is a criminal attorney with a grave secret. He is a serial killer who only kills bad guys — his own clients. Shane has spent his life hunting the StoneCutter, one very bad killer. The StoneCutter buries his victims alive and leaves them for dead. One year ago, he was captured and charged with murder. Shane defended him and got him acquitted. Then he killed the StoneCutter. Or so he thought — it seems his murders have started over again. Now, Shane must find this cold, sadistic killer before it’s too late.

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Crux (Southern Arcana, Book #1)
Moira Rogers
4.1 Stars (149 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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Jackson Holt has carved out a life for himself as a private investigator in New Orleans, home of one of the largest underground supernatural populations in the United States. He and his partners have never met a case they couldn’t crack… until a local bar owner asks him to do a little digging on her newest hire. New Orleans is the fourth destination in as many months for Mackenzie Brooks, a desperate woman on the run from a deranged stalker. After all, any man who shows up on her doorstep claiming to be her destined lover has more than a few screws loose. But crazy doesn’t explain why Marcus always finds her, no matter how far she runs. When her well-meaning boss puts a PI on her case, Mackenzie comes face to face with the incredible, unbelievable truth: magic is real, and whatever spell has kept her hidden and separate from the paranormal world is rapidly deteriorating. With time running out, she has no choice but to trust Jackson as they struggle to uncover the truth of her past–and her destiny.

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Tangled Trails: A Western Detective Story
William MacLeod Raine
4 Stars (88 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | Westerns | Action & Adventure

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William MacLeod Raine was an American author who wrote classic adventure novels about the Wild West.

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The Accidental Life of Greg Millar
Aimee Alexander
4.6 Stars (224 Reviews)
Genre: Literary Fiction | Family Life | Contemporary Fiction

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From the best selling author of Pause to Rewind comes this moving family drama about the lengths we go to for the people we love. Lucy Arigho is not the sort of woman to be swept off her feet. She is sober, career-minded and numb since the death of her fiancé. So it’s completely out of character for her to race a man in traffic – and even more unusual when they meet again and she is irritated, intrigued and finally enraptured by the driver, writer Greg Millar. Within eight weeks, she is seriously considering his pleas to marry him and wondering if she can take on his two motherless children. But before she can make a decision about becoming part of Greg’s world, events plunge her right into it. Her careful existence is shattered as she has to figure out how to handle two vulnerable children and face the fact that she doesn’t really know the man whose life has so overwhelmed hers.

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No Experience Required (A Summer Rains Novel Book 1)
Lauren Stewart
4.2 Stars (40 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Humor & Satire

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After leaving the hippie commune she grew up on, Summer Rains set a modest goal for herself: earn enough money to live a normal life in the real world. Maybe she was aiming too high. When she wished she could get rid of the platinum-selling pop star who was stalking her, she didn’t mean ‘get rid of ‘in the permanent sense. But someone did. And being a suspect isn’t the kind of attention she wants from the gorgeous-but-entirely-too-condescending detective investigating the case. As if that wasn’t bad enough, her only help comes from the man she’s been in love with since her hormones kicked in… and his beautiful girlfriend. Sounds like a good time to reassess her goals. ‘Living a normal life’ moves down the list, and ‘figuring out who the real murderer is before she gets thrown in jail’ moves all the way to the top. But crime-fighting wasn’t part of the home-schooling curriculum back on the commune. So solving the case is an on-the-job kind of thing. Along the way, she learns other skills — how to fold hospital corners, how to keep herself from becoming the next victim, and how to deal with all the insanity of the ‘real world’.

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