This is my update for today. It is cold, and I am lazy. I read a meme yesterday that read something like “Have you ever had a day when your coffee needed a coffee?” Yes, yes I have, and today it that day.

Happy Birthday to Me (Birthday Trilogy Book 1)
Brian Rowe
4.1 Stars (84 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Humor & Satire

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The first book in the Birthday trilogy! Seventeen-year-old Cameron Martin has a huge problem: he’s aging a whole year of his life with each passing day! High school is hard enough; imagine rapidly aging from seventeen to seventy in a matter of weeks, with no logical explanation, and with prom, graduation, and the state championship basketball game on the horizon. That’s what happens to Cameron, a popular pretty boy who’s never had to face a day looking anything but perfect. All Cameron wants to do is go back to normal, but no one, not even the best doctors, can diagnose his condition. When he finds love with a mysterious young woman, however, he realizes his only hope for survival might be with the one person who started his condition in the first place.

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Frost Fire (Tortured Elements Book 1)
Olivia Rivers
4.3 Stars (55 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

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“Magic is just like love, Allai. It won’t wait for permission before it destroys you.” Like sand in an hourglass, Allai’s future is dwindling away. She’s spent her entire life fighting the Mages who threaten humanity, and dreams of someday eradicating magic. But all it takes is an anonymous phone call for the truth to spill out: Allai is the one thing she despises most. She’s a Mage. Though ancient law mandates Allai’s death, she still has one last chance of survival. His name is Drake Rhaize, and he swears he can lead Allai to a sanctuary for Mages. Allai hasn’t seen Drake in years, but she remembers him as the Demon boy who used to hold her close and softly whisper that he’d keep her safe. But Drake has changed since then: He’s now suspected of murder, and has been out-casted for betraying his own kind. While Allai doesn’t trust Drake, she has no choice but to put her life in his hands and hope he can get her to safety. Because Allai’s father has hired a pack of Demons to bring her back to him, dead or alive-and Demons never stop the hunt.

“Frost Fire” is a YA Paranormal Romance intended for ages 14+. Frost Fire is a “Good Reads and Good Deeds” book. All net proceeds for Frost Fire go toward the Dysautonomia Youth Network of America, a charity that supports youth with medical conditions affecting the nervous system.

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I’ll be there: A ghost story.
Ed Halliwell
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Humor & Satire

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David and Hélène are on their way to spend the weekend with old friends, renting rooms in an even older house, shared with the family who owns it, in the middle of France, in the middle of nowhere. David, a pensive writer trying to finish his first novel, is not in the mood for socialising – but he will have to try. It will be David, in his withdrawn state during their first evening, who notices before anyone else that all does not appear to be well: their hosts have a painful secret, and he gradually begins to see that something even more disturbing may lie behind it. But David remains fiercely sceptical, despite experiences he can’t explain. Will he be looking out when it really matters?

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The Third Girl (Molly Sutton Mysteries Book 1)
Nell Goddin
4 Stars (63 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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Meet Molly Sutton, 38 years old and out of work, who moves to a village in France to recover from the end of her marriage. She’s looking for peace, beautiful gardens, and pastry — a slower, safer life than the one she’d been living outside of Boston. But you know what they say about the best intentions… Molly has barely gotten over jet-lag before she hears about a local student’s disappearance. In between getting her old ramshackle house in order and reveling in French food, Molly ends up embroiled in the case, along with the gendarmes of Castillac. And unlike the Nancy Drews she loved as a child, this mystery stirs up emotions she thought had been put to rest..and terrifies the residents of her beloved village.

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Emmanuel Sullivan
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Literary Fiction | United States | Contemporary Fiction | Urban

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Hayesville is a small town that has somehow insulated itself from the race division brewing in the rest of the States – black people and white people live together, not always peacefully, but together. Unfortunately, even though Hayesville has looked beyond race, they have other ways of deciding who fits… And who doesn’t. Lael is valedictorian of her senior class, mere months away from graduation – and from the right side of town. Her loving parents keep her under lock and key, for her own good and for the good of her future. When an old friend from the East Side turns into something a little bit more, it causes fissures to crack through the family, sending Lael on a journey to find herself, help her town and decide just where her own personal line is drawn.

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Rule # 1 – Crazy People Make You Crazy (At Work Edition): The Survival Guide for Coping with Impossible People
5 Stars (25 Reviews)
Genre: Business & Money

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What is this book about? This book is about coping with the crazy people at work. The book has 10 rules to survive by. Rule # 1 Crazy People Make You Crazy is the foundation of all of them. The rules allow you to identify and then avoid the crazy people and crazy situations. The sub-title of the book is The Survival Guide for Coping with Impossible People. This is not a get rich or get sex self-help book. This is about getting your life focused on what is truly important. Who should read this book? Life is too short and too precious to allow ourselves to be side tracked by impossible people and the impossible problems they create. That life is short and precious is a truism, but it is a truism that resonates deeply in the hearts of those of us who have dipped our toes into the waters of middle age or beyond. Perhaps the realization comes when we hit a 40th birthday or a 15th wedding anniversary. All of a sudden, life is flying by. What we want at that point more than anything is to pay attention to what matters. We want time for precious things whatever unique combination of family and friends and hobbies and faith and community brings each of you his or her unique sense of joy and fulfillment. That is what makes this a genuinely different kind of self-help book. What else makes this book different? The book is friendly, conversational and entertaining. Some people see it as serious book that has cartoons; others see it as a funny book with some serious points to absorb. It is written is to be a quick satisfying read. That airplane ride to Chicago becomes an entertaining learning experience. A Rules Wallet Card is provided free to every book or e-book purchaser. You will find new and interesting concepts on every page.

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