I feel guilty and ashamed of myself. I am a sloth. Yup, I ate way too much of my kid’s Halloween candy and I feel gross. Although I am not completely giving up on myself, I think I can power through another fun size Kit Kat bar.

THE 38TH FLOOR: A Thriller of the UN, China, and the USA
Clifford Irving
3.4 Stars (13 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Political

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“Some smashing skullduggery, with shadowings, chases, and a marvelous climax.” — Sunday Telegraph

The world teeters on the brink of war when John Burden, an African-American, is elevated unexpectedly to acting Secretary-American of the UN. Quickly, as he takes exception to the U.S. position, he finds himself in danger of going down in his country’s history as “the great black traitor.” THE 39TH FLOOR is a prophetic drama of international politics that begins with a threat of nuclear conflict with China and ends with a desperate manhunt through the streets of Manhattan. In the genre of the political novel, it stands out as a masterly blend of action, character, and memorable ideas.

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Warm Me Up (Greenpoint Artists Book 4)
Talia Surova
5 Stars (10 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Holidays

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When normally calm, logical psychology grad student Georgette Soren painted the man from a haunting series of dreams in a month-long fit of obsessed frenzy, she began to question her own sanity. But now her imaginary mystery man has shown up on the fire escape outside her art studio window. In midwinter. In his shirtsleeves, no coat. He calls her by name and says they were high school sweethearts. And her calm, logical world tips over onto its side and shatters. Extreme sports photographer James Falk has been a risk-taker, a daredevil with a restless itch under his skin ever since he watched the love of his life plummet to near-death ten years ago. Now he’s found her again. And she has amnesia. But only when it comes to him. He can’t let this stand. From New York City at Christmas to a snowbound cabin in the Adirondacks, this story of forgotten love remembered threatens–or promises–to change both Georgette’s and James’s lives forever. If they let it. Or maybe even if they don’t.

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Founding Father: The Life and Times of John Neely Bryan
Jimmy Clay
3.3 Stars (4 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult | Children’s eBooks | Historical Fiction | Westerns

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Based on a the life of John Neely Bryan, the founder of Dallas, Texas. Born in 1810 and educated in Fayetteville, Tennessee, John Neely Bryan became a successful lawyer in Van Buren, Arkansas. After a financial panic devastated the town and his real estate holdings, Bryan settled west in the new Texas Republic. In the late 1830s, Bryan went to work at Holland Coffee’s Trading Post on the Red River, and from there he moved to the land that would become Dallas. He was the first non-Native American to permanently live in Dallas County, and for many months, he was the only white person living there. His homestead would later be called Dealey Plaza, where President Kennedy was killed. In his travels and business dealings, he met and befriended many Native Americans, learned their languages, and was instrumental in bringing the railroad to Dallas. Bryan married and had children, but during his last years he succumbed to mental illness. He died in 1877 at the State Lunatic Asylum in Austin, Texas.

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Jill Paterson
4.5 Stars (29 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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The Fitzjohn Mystery Series

THE CELTIC DAGGER University professor Alex Wearing is found murdered in his study by the Post Graduate Co-coordinator, Vera Trenbath, a nosey interfering busybody. Assigned to the case is Detective Chief Inspector Alistair Fitzjohn. Fitzjohn is a detective from the old guard, whose methodical, painstaking methods are viewed by some as archaic. His relentless pursuit for the killer zeros in on Alex’s brother, James, as a key suspect in his investigation. Compelled to clear himself of suspicion, James starts his own investigation and finds himself immersed in a web of intrigue, ultimately uncovering long hidden secrets about his brother’s life that could easily be the very reasons he was murdered. This gripping tale of murder and suspense winds its way through the university’s hallowed halls to emerge into the beautiful, yet unpredictable, Blue Mountain region where more challenges and obstacles await James in his quest to clear himself of suspicion and uncover the truth about his brother.

MURDER AT THE ROCKS When Laurence Harford, a prominent businessman and philanthropist is found murdered in the historic Rocks area of Sydney, Detective Chief Inspector Fitzjohn is asked to solve the crime quickly and discreetly. After barely starting his investigation, uncovering a discarded mistress and disgruntled employees, a second killing occurs. Meanwhile, Laurence’s nephew, Nicholas Harford, has his certainties in life shaken when he becomes a suspect in his uncle’s death, and receives a mysterious gold locket that starts a chain of events unravelling his family’s dark truths.

ONCE UPON A LIE Little did, businessman and entrepreneur, Michael Rossi know that the telephone call he answered on that fateful Friday would be the catalyst for his death, and the subsequent recovery of his body from the waters of Sydney Harbour the following morning. Recalled from leave to take on the case, Detective Chief Inspector Fitzjohn confronts the first of many puzzles; how Rossi spent the unaccountable hours before he died. This leads him on a paper-trail into a tangled web of deception, jealousy and greed that unravels the mystery surrounding Michael’s death. Unaware of her nephew’s fate, Esme Timmons retires for the evening, unsuspecting of the events about to unfold; events that will, ultimately, expose a grim lie, buried deep in the past.

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The Chronicles of Dragon Collection (Series 1 Omnibus, Books 1-10)
Craig Halloran
4.5 Stars (139 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Children’s eBooks

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#1 International Bestselling Anthology on Amazon! Sink your claws into dragon-sized eBook Omnibus Collector’s Edition of the Best Selling Chronicles of Dragon series. All 10 books in this series are included in this one of a kind ultra-dragon adventure. This book is huge! Over 450,000 words! Enjoy the gallery of incredible illustrations of all 10 covers plus the major characters. This book is a must read and must have for all dragon lovers worldwide!

Welcome to the world of NALZAMBOR… Nath is a special warrior. He is a man destined to be a dragon. In order to become a dragon, he must save the dragons. For countless years Nath has been on a quest to become a dragon, but his meddling with the other races tends to get in the way. The way of men is not the way of Nath Dragon his father has warned him. Yet, Nath, unable to control his fascination of the world men, elves, dwarves and even the despised orcs, tends to get caught up in their affairs. To earn his scales, there is a high road he must follow. With his close friend and ally, Brenwar the Dwarf, Nath, armed with a magic sword he calls Fang, travels to the Mountain of Doom, the Free City of Narnum and to Orcen Hold where nothing but trouble awaits. Will Nath Dragon, hero of the realm and protector of dragon kind choose the right path or wind up on a dark one?

This collector’s edition includes the following 10 books: The Hero, The Sword and the Dragons, Dragon Bones and Tombstones, Terror at the Temple, Clutch of the Cleric, Hunt for the Hero, Siege at the Settlements, Strife in the Sky, Fight and the Fury, War in the Winds and Finale. It is one long running series, about 450,000 words, a complete story from beginning to end. And when you finish with it, don’t forget to sink your teeth into Series 2, Tail of the Dragon!

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