Puppies have to learn not to cut in line. There is a certain order to things and if they are not careful, they can learn the hard way why they should not cut in line. The order is simple. Sinny the cat eats his food, Junebug finishes her bowl, then goes to Sinny’s bowl and cleans it out. If there is anything left, and there won’t be, little Casper gets the remaining. If this order is not followed and Casper tries to cut in line, Junebug will release a barrage of barks, growle and screams that would  make even the bravest of men shudder in fear. Fun fact, she never actually causes any harm, it’s all for show, but boy what a show. The first time I thought for sure she had ripped poor Casper to death and all I was going to find was a little tuft of fur. He certainly screamed as if he was being murdered.  He is learning and Junebug is easing up on the rules a bit as well. Which is good, because all of this is stressing me out!

Hatchet: An Action Espionage Thriller
by Israel Levy
4.8 Stars (20 Reviews)
Genre: Action

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It is up to her to destroy the terror cell located in Libya.

She is a young, yuppy lawyer, living an organized life in Tel-Aviv until she finds herself thrust into an international espionage mission for the Israeli Mossad, and her life evolves into one of highly secretive activities with the Israeli intelligence.

Naomi’s role in the Mossad takes her on a world-wide mission to stop the operations of terrorist cells around the world. She is assigned to find a way to stop and eliminate a massive Palestinian terror cell in charge of financing major murderous attacks in Israel.

Naomi knows she and her team will have to catch the “head of the snake “and find a way to take over the organizations’ bank accounts.
It is up to her and the team to destroy the terror cell without revealing the other Mossad agents who are also involved in the mission, or she will lose people she loves.

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Carnelian (The Chalcedony Chronicles Book 1)
by B. Kristin McMichael
4.4 Stars (216 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy / Time-travel Romance

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Everyone has a past, but for most it isn’t so far in the past as Seth Sangre. His past is literally from thousands of years ago. Seth’s past led him to the present seeking something that might help him save his country from destruction. He has been in the present for over three years now, and he just found exactly what he has been looking for.

Mari had dreams of college being a fresh start, one where she would start over and not fall for the good looking player like high school. Unfortunately for her, that’s exactly what ends up falling into her lap on the first day she moves into the dorms. Now she has to hold to her promise to herself not fall for the handsome Seth Sangre. But he doesn’t plan to make it easy for her. Seth has already marked her as his next conquest. As the semester progresses, Mari learns that Seth might just have a past of his own that’s literally in the past. Suddenly, Mari finds her future along with her past put into question. She’s connected to Seth far more than she ever wanted to be, and maybe he isn’t the player who she thought he was. If Mari can trust her heart enough to follow him, Seth will lead Mari on an adventure of a lifetime-and reveal family secrets she never knew existed.

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Kiss Hidden Lies (Jake Hancock Private Investigator Mystery series Book 1)
by Dan Taylor
3.5 Stars (96 Reviews)
Genre: Action Thriller

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Finding out the truth is the easy part.

Private Investigator Jake Hancock gets a seemingly straightforward gig: finding out who an actress’s biological father is. But there’s a catch. His client’s parents are unaware she knows the guy who’s been posing as her father is an imposter. And she insists Hancock poses as her older boyfriend to discover the truth from within her family home.

Her parents are onto him the moment he steps through the front door, and the roller coaster of an investigation begins.

To escape the heat of scrutiny, Hancock rushes his client to an age-regression hypnotherapy session to learn about a time period her parents seem hazy about. What he discovers throws him a curveball: His client had two different parents up to the age of three… something she’s unaware of now. The strange part? They lived together in the same family home.

There’s a bizarre secret at the heart of his client’s childhood. And Hancock must face an ethical dilemma for which he isn’t prepared.

As a private investigator, he’s contracted to reveal the truth… but at what cost to his client’s happiness?

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The Night They Came For Til: Historical Fiction Novel (Book Series: Oakland Book 2) (Oakland Series)
by Rebekah Lee Jenkins, Alex McGilvery
5 Stars (17 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction

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h2>No war is waged without violence.
Ten years of intense training at her aunt’s side have taught Shannon much more than how to be a midwife. She’s seen first-hand how dangerous fighting for women’s rights and access to birth control at the turn of the century can be.

A brutal attack destroys their clinic and results in her aunt’s incarceration. To avoid further scandal, her uncle ships Shannon off to Canada where she’ll be safe.

In Manitoba, Shannon lands in the midst of a new fight. The women of Oakland are not allowed to operate the hospital they have built.

Shannon has a choice — stay silent or help a whole new community of women find their voice.

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Instant Pot Gluten Free: Healthy, Quick & Easy Gluten-Free Recipes
by Robert Carter
4.8 Stars (12 Reviews)
Genre: Cookbooks, Food & Wine

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Instant Pot is a modern day panacea for all your cooking worries. When you are aiming to go gluten-free, Instant Pot is your best companion as it makes it effortless to follow a gluten-free diet. Instant Pot prepares wholesome gluten-free meals every day in a matter of minutes to keep your diet well balanced.

Millions of people across the globe have joined the gluten-free health revolution to benefit from all the radical health improve it offers. A gluten-free diet helps in:

• Promoting digestive health

• Improving the level of good cholesterol

• Boosting the energy levels

• Improving overall immunity

• Promoting healthy weight loss

• Improving heart health and minimizing the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and certain types of cancers

This exclusive book provides a unique collection of gluten-free recipes to prepare with the help of your Instant Pot. Now you can easily make these dishes to fit your various meal requirements including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts.

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