Collins Lake has something I absolutely love. Rocks. SO MANY ROCKS! I know I am not supposed to take rocks back with me, but maybe just one little bag? I know, I know. I can’t take any. Hmmph. I guess I can’t bring back any of the squirrels I see either. When I was a kid, and my family and I would go camping, I would always catch little sea creatures and stuff them all in buckets that I would drag home with me. I wanted to keep them all as pets. Not one single creature made it back alive. I feel really bad about that now. A few kids in our group have done the same thing on this trip. There are a few freaked out fish in little princess themed pink bucket, and a super pretty skink with a blue tail in another red bucket. I tried to warn them that the critters will die if they don’t let them go. I don’t push it. It’s fun to see how excited they are. The parents will sneak them back into the water later. An open bucket full of water and critters is not welcomed in their cars.

RATS (NomaD Thriller Series Book 1)
by Joe Klingler
4.1 Stars (2,201 Reviews)
Genre: Suspense | Thrillers

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One man on a decades old mission. A woman who hunts him. And the bullet they share.

Joe Klingler’s acclaimed debut novel explodes from the remnants of a war long past to headlines of Washington secrets masquerading as corporate incompetence when two modern-day warriors face off. Both skilled at violence. And deception. Both accustomed to winning.

Summer greets the land of the midnight sun as a lone rider races across the last American wilderness, delivering on a promise he made long ago. He has many names, but the world only knows a shadow called the Demon.

Claire Ferreti, an Army sniper soon to be drawn into a black-ops mission, sips sake in Washington D.C. with her lover, a young, ambitious General whose geosecurity specialty remains classified. When a boy finds a small machine, Claire and the Demon embark on a collision course that leads to a test of skill, a clash of ideologies, and Claire’s unconscious body lying in a typhoon-ravaged jungle. In that instant she becomes the hunted, the Demon’s tool for survival, and an unforeseen threat. As the General pursues them into a labyrinth of cyber-secrets, political necessity and financial reality collide like a fireball piercing steel pipe.

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Purrfect Cruise (The Mysteries of Max Book 35)
by Nic Saint
4.7 Stars (568 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery | Animals

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Murder Ahoy! The last thing I would have expected when Odelia announced she was taking me and Dooley along on her honeymoon, was that I’d need to develop sea paws for the occasion. Yes, the honeymooners had decided to take a Caribbean cruise. Now if there’s one thing I dislike even more than being aboard a vessel floating in the middle of a large body of water, it is the presence of thousands of people having a good time and in doing so ignoring to watch their step. Lucky for us we had a nice cabin practically all to ourselves, since Odelia and Chase went island hopping. But that was before our next-door-neighbor, rapper Lil Thug, famous for the diamond he’d had implanted in his forehead, was murdered, and someone absconded with the twenty-million-dollar pink gem. The ship’s security officer asked Odelia and Chase to assist him in his investigation, and so yours truly managed to make himself useful after all, by snooping around for clues, and collecting gossip all over the Queen of the Seas. And a good time would have been had by all if not two seagulls had developed a healthy interest in myself and Dooley — healthy for them, not for us!

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Killing Simon Webb
by AJ Blake
4.1 Stars (34 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Thrillers

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When his marriage unravels, Simon Webb leaves his high-flying City job and moves to Berlin to run a fund managing the wealth of mega-Rich Russians. A revival of his childhood fascination with the old Berlin of Cold War espionage entangles him in a story in which Vladimir Putin seems to have been involved and which appears to have potentially serious ramifications in the present time.
In Berlin Simon meets an elusive woman with a body to die for, a complex past and a mysterious present. Among her circle of “friends” are computer hackers, individuals with far-right agendas and one loner who shares Simon’s interest in Cold War spies.
On the surface, Simon’s new life in Germany is care free and good. But gradually he is caught up in another world: a world of deep fakes, Russian assassins, far-right extremism, and terrorists using artificial intelligence to pilot a drone attack in an urban street. A rogue video game surfaces from the dark web and emerges into the real world.
Before long Simon is on the run, fleeing for his life.

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The Haunting of Hill House
by Shirley Jackson
4.1 Stars (24,688 Reviews)
Genre: Suspense | Horror | Literary Fiction

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Dr Montague, a scientific investigator of ghostly phenomena, has chosen to live for several weeks at Hill House, by repute a place of horror that will brook no human habitation. To check and contribute to his observations, he selects three companions previously unknown to him; two girls, Theo and Eleanor, and Luke, a young man, who is heir to Hill House. What happens cannot, in fairness, be told. But Dr Montague’s words were prophetic: ‘A ghost cannot hurt anyone; only the fear of ghosts can be dangerous.’ Whether the ghosts at Hill House caused the fear, or the fear created the ghosts, there were such manifestations as to produce, finally, an ultimate terror that was all too palpable and down-to-earth.

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Calamity Rayne Gets A Life
by Lydia Michaels
4.1 Stars (3,348 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Satire | Romance

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An awkward girl’s account of inexperience, sexual mishaps, and too much tequila…

Needing a change, Rayne Meyers — a.k.a. Calamity Rayne — sets out to be a personal assistant for one of the wealthiest families in the world. What could possibly go wrong? Inexperienced with sophisticated settings, she does her best not to screw things up too severely, except there’s one complication she didn’t foresee — her boss’s devastatingly charming son, Hale Davenport.

Hale is everything Rayne is not-experienced, mature, and methodical. But when he meets his father’s new assistant, a woman nothing like the calculating females he’s used to, he is captivated and prepared to throw caution to the wind. Turns out, slightly awkward and sometimes silly sex might be exactly what his love life’s been missing and everything his heart didn’t see coming.

“An opposites attract, hilariously sexy romantic comedy, perfect for fans of Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary and stuffy Mr. Darcy types!”

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A Dream Fulfilled – Settlers of South Park – Book 1
by r. William Rogers
4 Stars (892 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality | Westerns | Romance

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Life on the eastern Kansas plains in the 1850’s was tenuous at best. Add to that, marauding bands of thieving Comanches, and a fella would start having notions of moving his clan the heck out of there.

With the biggest part of his cattle having been taken by the thieving redskins, Jacob Clarkson and his family load as much of of their household belongings as they can into a couple of prairie schooners and set out on a journey in hopes of relocating the once prosperous cattle ranching endeavor to the high mountain grasslands of present day Colorado.

The journey proves to be fraught with dangers, some of them of the harsh weather and high water variety, while others turn out to be of the manmade variety.

The journey becomes even more difficult after the rescue of a young lady who had been taken captive by a trio of banditos. Their intent had been to trade her to the Utes, who freely roam the South Park Basin, but first they have to get her back.

Through all of this, the Lord remains in charge and adds to the mixture, a helping of tender romance and true love between Becky and one of Jacob and Emily’s twin sons, Seth.

Not to be outdone by his brother, Sam manages a romance of his own after a mixup in homestead filings plays a major part in bringing him and Liz together.

While all this is going on, their families remain steadfast in their struggle to gain a toehold in the savage land that is the previously unsettled grasslands of the South Park Basin.

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