I must have passed Cornerstone Gardens a thousand times and never gave it a second glance. It’s tucked away just enough from the main road that, if you’re not looking for it, you could easily miss it. Although, if you are looking for it, it’s hard to miss. It features cute shops, small wine tastings rooms, artisanal food, and of course Sunset Magazine’s test gardens. I believe it boast over 21 gardens, but they are small, so visitors are not overwhelmed. Since the gardens are small, and vary in personality and design, you get a lot of great ideas for your own garden. There were a few families hanging out, enjoying the warm summer day, while their children roamed from garden to garden. They were all little explorers. It was cute. The place was big enough though, that you didn’t feel crowded. There were adults groups as well, walking through the gardens enjoying a glass of wine. I am looking forward to going there again during a different season to see how the gardens change. This was originally published on my other blog, Girls Bee Haven.
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